Lodge Officers are as follows:
Officer | Duties |
Worshipful Master | To rule and direct the Lodge |
Senior Warden | Master's first assistant |
Junior Warden | Master's second assistant |
Chaplain | To offer up prayers when required |
Treasurer | To manage the Lodge's financial affairs |
Secretary | To manage all the Lodge's administrative matters |
Director of Ceremonies | To be responsible for all ceremonial matters |
Almoner | To care for the welfare of members and families |
Charity Steward | To encourage members in Fund raising for charities |
Mentor | To guide and enlighten members in Masonic matters as may be required |
Senior Deacon | To attend candidates for 2nd & 3rd Degrees |
Junior Deacon | To attend candidates for 1st Degree and assist as required |
Inner Guard | To admit Masons and receive candidates |
Stewards | To assist as required in the Lodge and afterwards at dinner |
Tyler | To deny access to unqualified persons and to prepare candidates for their entry |
Organist | To provide music as and when required |
Immediate Past Master | To assist the Master (his successor) if needed |