
Lodge Officers are as follows:

Officer Duties
Worshipful Master To rule and direct the Lodge
Senior Warden Master's first assistant
Junior Warden Master's second assistant
Chaplain To offer up prayers when required
Treasurer To manage the Lodge's financial affairs
Secretary To manage all the Lodge's administrative matters
Director of Ceremonies To be responsible for all ceremonial matters
Almoner To care for the welfare of members and families
Charity Steward To encourage members in Fund raising for charities
Mentor To guide and enlighten members in Masonic matters as may be required
Senior Deacon To attend candidates for 2nd & 3rd Degrees
Junior Deacon To attend candidates for 1st Degree and assist as required
Inner Guard To admit Masons and receive candidates
Stewards To assist as required in the Lodge and afterwards at dinner
Tyler To deny access to unqualified persons and to prepare candidates for their entry
Organist To provide music as and when required
Immediate Past Master To assist the Master (his successor) if needed